Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Today's Randumb Observations

Lots of "happy" today, and some random bitching.  Let's go to the tape, shall we?

Regarding my ongoing burning hatred for Rosalie, I figured out one of the reasons I don't like her.  Ready?  It's Nikki Reed.  Here's my disjointed and ADD-raddled thought process.  Try to keep up.
  • Nikki Reed isn't a blonde.  How the hell did she end up being Rosalie?  
  • Rosalie is described as being blonde, exceptionally beautiful (even for a vampire), and statuesque.  That doesn't fit Nikki.
  • I've seen her someplace before.  Where?
  • Let's go to Wikipedia.  Oh yes.  There's why.  I hated her character (Sadie) on The OC.  I wanted to bitch-slap her.  Bohemian beauties don't cake on the war paint, snarkasaurus rex.
  • Oh lookie.  She's BFFs with Catherine Hardwicke (see yesterday's screenplay rant).  They wrote a screenplay together and OMG TA DAH Reed shows up in the Twilight films.  Really.  REALLY.
And there you have it.  I equate Rosalie with Nikki Reed.  I must purge this from my brain.

After discussion with my only Twihard BFF (at least the only one that's out of the closet), I've decided that the lovely Shandi Finnessey would have made a FAR better Rosalie.  See?

So there you have it.  I hope this resolves some of my totally unjustified loathing for the character of Rosalie, as I should be able to refocus my mind's eye onto whom I think SHOULD have gotten the part instead of ... She That No Longer Shall Be Named In An Effort To Avoid Hysterical Violence On My Part.

In other news, I ordered a brand spank-me-new laptop tonight.  I got a Dell Studio 15 series, in Promise Pink (of course) with an Intel i5 processor and a Radeon video card.  If it were possible, I'd have quite the stiffy over this.  Dell says it'll be delivered on the 25th, which is good.  I'll have my new toy for my scrapbooking trip with my girls on the 27th.  Hooray! So glad that Panda talked me into upgrading the shipping - I'd have been PISSED if I didn't have it to take with me after blowing some serious coin on it.

Oh, even better ... 48 days till we're at Disney.  Can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. Totally with you on the whole Nikki Reed thing!! Totally NOT the Rosalie I had pictured. The girl you posted would be perfect!
