Thursday, August 12, 2010

I’ve decided that if I’m going to Hell, I might as well do it thoroughly. - Edward Cullen

Ever have one of those days where everything you touch is just ... crap?  It seems like you just can't do right by anyone (or anything), and you're thisclose to being reduced to a blubbering crybaby in your office?

Yeah, me neither.  ***innocent blink***

Everyone around me is just "off their feed" today.  My kids were more bickery and bitchtastic than usual.  Most folks at work were exceptionally mean and "gimme gimme gimme NOW".  Even Panda and I got into a nasty little tiff about total bullshit tonight.  And really, I have no reason to be whiny.  Lots of good things are happening right now, including:
  1. We leave for Disney in 47 days.  Well, today's almost over, so let's call it 46.  Hell, 45 and a wakeup.
  2. The trip is 100% paid in full.  In cash.  Our hotel room (at the Polynesian, no less), all meals, all non-alcoholic drinks, all snacks, all park tickets - EVERYTHING including $50 per kid spending money - is paid for, in cash.  I only have to worry about spending money for chotchkies and other random crap.  Of course, I'd like to have about another $500 cushion, but whatever.  I could have downgraded the hotel to a Moderate, but the idea of being crammed into a small room with my stepdaughter and her recent proclivity to whine for no damned reason is just too much for me.
  3. You People will eventually learn about number three.
  4. I am not Rosalie Hale Nikki Reed, therefore I am not a frigid bitch that appears to be in a constant state of lemon-sucking. In hindsight, maybe this should have been number one.
  5. School starts on August 23rd.  Not soon enough - my kids need SOMETHING to do.  I have a theory that their piss-poor decision making and the increase in whine-ocity has something to do with their complete lack of any project of substance.
Indicative of my kids' behavior today, this conversation transpired just prior to dinnertime:  "Hey kids, what do you want to eat - ravioli or hot dogs?"  ..... pause to hear kids' answer .... and they say, in unison ... "OH TACOS! TACOS SOUND GOOD!"  To which they were told "Look, only one of you is actually hard of hearing.  The other clearly enjoys the sights and scents of having her head up her own ass."  (credit to my Twihard BFF for that one, told you I'd use it later.)

Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.

At any rate, I think I'm just going to go to bed. Alone.  Panda is happily snoring on the couch in the basement, and really a deluxe pillow-top queen sized bed all to myself sounds pretty damned good.  And if that means I'm going to hell ... so be it.  I'll enjoy it, and like Edward ... I'll do it thoroughly.

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