Sunday, August 15, 2010

I have a confession to make.

My inner snarkasaurus just loves Twilight Sucks.  Some of their "hate mail" is hysterically funny.  And you know that I'm always up for a hefty dose of snark.  Give the forums a read - some of the mail they post is hilarious, and some of the responses are funny.  Some are just trolltastic, others are witty, and still others are just "YEAH MAN TWILIGHT SUCKS ZOMG THEY'RE DUMB TWITARDS".  The wit and snark is worth wading through the imbicilic and quasi-offensive posts.  Give it a read.

Honestly, the vitriol spewed by teenybopper fangirls is the main thing that turned me off from the Saga from the beginning.  I'm a mom to a third grader and custodial step mom to a fifth grader - I hear more than enough self-indulgent whining, thanks.  Oh and the "txtspk" needs to go.  Who told these morons that it's socially acceptable to communicate in poorly constructed sentences marred by spelling errors?  Holy jumping jeebus, those kids need a role model.

I suppose that my bottom line is this:  I don't regard the Twilight Saga as the be-all-end-all of literary works.  By her own admission, the author writes for pleasure - for her own, for her fans, and for her core projected audience.  She's self-taught, if I remember correctly.  I started reading because I kept getting told that the books were better than the movies (correct).  I then realized that there were holes in the plot (surprise), missed character developments, and essentially things I liked to dissect.  And really, the biggest draw for me?  Books about random crap really are a mental sorbet.  I don't need to constantly read things that make me think, or books that make me question my very existence.  Life's hard enough.  A bit of trashy fiction is OK, people.  Really.  No need to be obsessed with it, no need to hate those that enjoy it ... just let it be. 

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